Last updated on April 1st, 2021 at 10:30 am

Self-care! Chances are you have already heard that self-care is important in our day-to-day lives. But, do you have a self-care routine while traveling? If not, then you must think of incorporating a simple routine to set you practice self-care while traveling.

Wikipedia defines self-care as ‘Self-care is any necessary human regulatory function which is under individual control, deliberate and self-initiated.’

It is certainly the mantra of the day and as individuals, we need to be conscious about it.

As the saying goes, Travel itself is a form of self-care. Undoubtedly yes! It nourishes the mind. And to make the travel experience a more fulfilling one, you would certainly need to prioritize taking care of yourself.

The most interesting part of this is that a self-care routine while traveling does not need to be an elaborate one. You can practice them very easily. Also, if you are traveling with your family, everyone’s wellbeing is of utmost importance. Who wants to fall ill on a dream vacation? No one, I am sure!

So, take them along in your self-care journey and make it a must-do on your next vacation.

Remember that a self-care routine while traveling requires a strong mind and will-power. So, plunge in to discover 8 practical and doable self-care tips to practice while traveling.

Self care tips for practicing self care while traveling

1) 15 – 20 mins of meditation/yoga/stretching – the ultimate self-care routine while traveling 

Yoga and meditation - self-care while traveling

Is there any doubt that Yoga and meditation are the ultimate forms of self-care? It is very important to have a fit body and mind to soak in the travel experiences.

So, make it a point to squeeze out 15 to 20 mins of your schedule in the morning for some stretching exercises or a few Yoga poses. If you are into meditation, that’s even better.

A 15 to 20 mins session before you get ready for the day trip or tour is going to set the tone of the day.

I was personally not into too much of it during my earlier days of traveling. But over a while, I have developed this 15-min habit and have been immensely benefitted.

Try it out. This self-care routine works.

2) Outdoor activity

If you are traveling for a longer duration and if you are an exercise-freak, then outdoor activities is one of the key ideas for incorporating self-care while traveling. I know some of my friends who have even participated in marathons at their destination.

While you don’t have to be a marathon runner (and those are planned activities), brisk walking in the neighborhood might also help.

During my stay in Venice, I used to wake up early for a short walk around our Airbnb accommodation. Not only, it refreshed my mind, it also helped me explore this unique city and explore some of the best photo opportunities!

A quick tip

Walking tours are one of my favorite activities. You can explore a place in detail while also incorporating some outdoor activity that is not very strenuous.

See, how easy it is to incorporate self-care while traveling! And that’s the very reason why people consider travel as self-care.

We have very fond memories of a walking tour in Milan, where we got to explore Italy’s fashion capital in depth.

3) Hydrate adequately

Proper Hydration- self-care while traveling

You already know that keeping yourself hydrated is one of the very basic things to do. Drinking water to keep your body functioning well is a fact.

However, many times while on a travel spree, we tend to forget to drink water regularly the way we usually do at home or on a non-travel day.

So that you don’t have an excuse for not drinking water while outside the home, carry a refillable water bottle with you. Remember, dehydration is the cause of many illnesses, and don’t let that happen while you are traveling. That’s the last thing you would want to have while vacationing.

4) Opt for nutritious fiber-rich food

Fiber rich food - self-care while traveling

This again is a known fact. Fiber-rich food is key to a healthy body.

The point is how to include fiber-rich food while traveling.

I usually always opt for a side of salad during Lunch or Dinner. Salad is loaded with fiber and health-benefits.  

Also, ensure to carry some fiber-rich snacks like granola bars to help you munch on something while hungry.

5) Indulge! The ultimate form of self-care while traveling

Indulge in local food - travel self care

Sounds self-contradicting? Not at all! Indulging in local food is a must.

Taste the local wine and gorge on that delicious pasta while exploring the place. After all food and travel are best friends and one of the ways to explore the culture of the place.

I usually take time to research the local food of the place I am traveling to and make it a point to taste at least some of them if not all.  

Can you leave Rome without tasting Carbonara or India without shaking hands with Butter Chicken?

Just remember portion control and you are all set.

I will even go a step further and indulge in a spa or a hamam. Self-care while traveling becomes more interesting with this.


6) Manage jet lag

On international travel, jet lag is something that people need to cope with on long-distance flights. If you are traveling across time zones, then jetlag is inevitable.

If you have a tour planned upon reaching your destination, then a jetlagged mind and body will be a barrier to make the most out of your trip.

The best way to manage it is by adjusting your sleeping schedule while on the flight itself. It might seem difficult to implement but is doable.

Try to sleep on the plane if it’s nighttime at your destination. Even if it is not a continuous sleep, even small naps will also help. This is something that you would consciously need to try.

We all feel tempted to stay awake and watch an interesting movie or documentary on the flight. But believe me, it will only make you sleep-deprived and not ready for your destination.

Get over that temptation!

 A small tweak while traveling is only going to help you once you are at your destination. After all, you are traveling all the way to explore a nice corner of the globe. Why not prepare yourself for the best experience?

Movies can wait. After all, Netflix is not going anywhere!

7) Master your sleeping pattern

Manage Sleeping pattern - self-care while traveling

A good night’s sleep is going to do all the difference and make you travel-ready for the next day.

If there’s a hectic day awaiting you the next day, do yourself a favor by sleeping early the previous day.

Also, if there are transit travels in between, a quick 30 mins nap while traveling might also help.

Do whatever fits your schedule but remember sleeping well is a priority.

8) Take a social media break – a must-do for self-care while traveling

Social media break - travel self care

Has it ever happened that you are waiting for food at a restaurant and while waiting you opened your Instagram account and started scrolling? You started looking at your recently clicked photos, applied some edits, and started thinking about the caption to write.

The result? You ended up staring at your screen, rather than admiring the surroundings you wanted to experience.

Social Media is an undeniable part of our lives now. Especially, if you are into travel blogging, you will certainly want to let your audience and friends know about the destination you are exploring

Let’s think about it differently.

While social media is certainly important, it slowly creeps into your schedule and has the full potential to eat up the time and make you not present in the moment.

Take a break from Social Media and be present in the moment. It will only nourish your mind.

A quick tip: Are you a blogger who has a posting schedule to follow?

From a blogging perspective, you can always leverage tool like Tailwind to schedule your Pinterest or Instagram posts beforehand for the days you are on break. It is a powerful tool and certainly helps in exercising the social media break while posting for you in the background.

Closing Thoughts

Now that’s a wrap! What’s your favorite way to care for yourself while traveling?

Any new practice that you would love to share? I would be keen to know.


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